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The Guppy fish Mystery, apple snail The Flowerhorn fish Angel Fish The Swordtail fish Bristlenose catfish Fish Tank: A how-to Guide Corydoras catfish

The database of freshwater tropical aquarium fish, plants & biotopes

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Aqua-Fish.Net offers in-depth information on popular and commonly kept aquatic species. We also provide expert advice on caring for these fish and plants, completely free of charge.

We are a large forum for both beginners and aquarium experts

Aqua-Fish.Net has been online since 2005 and we list 743 profiles of freshwater aquarium fish, 157 profiles of aquatic plants, 18 biotopes and all of that is surrounded by 8804 comments, questions and answers, and 342 articles! In addition we offer you a calculator to plan how to stock your tank. Moreover we offer a database of marine species at

Explore our extensive database to find aquatic species tailored to your needs. You can search by behavior, temperature preferences, water parameters, or even browse entire families of fish and plants.

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Since aquascaping often intersects with garden ponds, animal care, and plant cultivation, we also invite you to explore our related project at

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While we regularly update our comprehensive information on common species like Guppies and Platies, we also cover a wide range of rare and exotic species. Discover details about unique fish such as the Pacu, various Puffers, and plants like Bacopa and Echinodorus. Our coverage extends beyond aquatic life to include topics like caring for the Costa Rican Tiger Rump Tarantula and more! Our primary goal remains to provide valuable information on maintaining aquarium fish and cultivating aquatic plants.

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