The list of all aquarium plants available at Aqua-Fish.Net
This screen allows you to search through our records; profiles of aquarium plants. Any page offers a detailed profile and you're welcome to share your ideas or experiences on those pages. Also feel free to perform your searches based upon families, which can be found under the search screen below.
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✗Click any family below in order to get a categorised list of plants. This list doesn't depend on any search criteria shown on this page, it just displays all plants that we have in our database.
- Acanthaceae (8 records)
- Acoraceae (2 records)
- Alismataceae (24 records)
- Amaranthaceae (3 records)
- Amaryllidaceae (3 records)
- Apiaceae (2 records)
- Aponogetonaceae (9 records)
- Araceae (28 records)
- Asteraceae (1 records)
- Azollaceae (1 records)
- Brassicaceae (2 records)
- Cabombaceae (2 records)
- Ceratophyllaceae (1 records)
- Cladophoraceae (1 records)
- Cyperaceae (4 records)
- Eriocaulonaceae (1 records)
- Euphorbiaceae (1 records)
- Haloragaceae (4 records)
- Hydrocharitaceae (10 records)
- Hypnaceae (1 records)
- Lomariopsidaceae (1 records)
- Lythraceae (9 records)
- Marsileaceae (1 records)
- Mayacaceae (1 records)
- Myrsinaceae (1 records)
- Najadaceae (2 records)
- Nymphaecaceae (6 records)
- Onagraceae (7 records)
- Parkeriaceae (2 records)
- Poaceae (1 records)
- Polypodiaceae (1 records)
- Pontederiaceae (2 records)
- Ranunculaceae (1 records)
- Ricciaceae (2 records)
- Samolaceae (1 records)
- Saururaceae (1 records)
- Scrophulariaceae (10 records)